About Egypt

Located at the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Europe, Egypt is built around the Nile Valley, a very fertile land bordering the river and bounded by 2 seas : the Mediterranean Sea (to the north) and the Red Sea (to the east). The thin area on either side of the Nile was historically where 90% of the population settled.To the east of the valley is the Arabian Desert, bounded by a high ridge of mountains. To the west is the Libyan Desert which stretches across the top of North Africa.The demarcation line in Cairo, the capital city, separates Lower Egypt (everything north of Cairo) from Upper Egypt (everything to the south). To the east, across the Suez Canal is the triangular wedge of Sinai with Mt Sinai and Mt Catherine, the highest mountain in Egypt (2642m).

During the summer, from March to November, the climate is hot and dry in most of the country. December to February can be quite cold in the north. The sky is usually blue and cloudless. The temperature varies considerably in Egypt. It can be extremely hot during the day and very cold at night, especially in the desert

It rains more often in Alexandria than in Aswan and Cairo. During the early days of the spring season, a hot wind called "Khamasin" blows in from the western desert at up to 150 km/h.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Aswan High Dam – Taming the Nile

Aswan High Dam in Egypt is one of the largest and most famous dams in the world. Located across the river Nile in the Upper Egypt, this colossal Dam is 11,811 feet long, 364 feet tall and 3215 thick at the base.

The Aswan Dam is not only the chief source of irrigation and electricity in Egypt, but it also offers magnificent views for the tourists. You can watch the large reservoir Lake Nasser, the power station and Kalabsha temple from the top of the 364 feet tall High Dam.

You can also visit the Temple of Isis at Philae, which is nearby. It was built by the Ptolemaic Kings over a long period of time. It is one of the most revered temples in Egypt occupying a large area of the island Philae. You will marvel at the large sized pylons in the temple and its beautiful scenic backdrop.

You have to go to Abu Simbel to see the historically important rock temples built in 1257 BCE. The temples were carved out of solid rock and dedicated to the sun gods Amon-Re and Re-Horakhte. You will be fascinated by the 119-feet wide façade, with four 67-feet huge figures of Ramses seated in front of it. Both the Temple of Isis and the rock temples were moved from their original sites, as they were submerged after the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

(Image courtesy upyernoz)

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1 comment:

  1. Me and my family members like to go on a vacation to Egypt and specially we like to visit Aswan dam.When we think of vacation or holidays we consider a lot of places to spend our time which we can't forget ever.
    holidays egypt
